Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Two almost down...

I finished the quiz for the second tutorial today. I have to admit, it's been hanging me up for the past week. I have no idea why it was giving me such trouble. That completes module two, although I still have some narration to record. I'm about half done with it but wanted to wait until I didn't sound like a croaking frog to finish.

My voice is starting to return to normal, though, so I should be able to put the finishing touches on number two and get it online, hopefully this week.

Problems still continue to plague us in getting the live version running. It loads fine and works perfectly on the test server yet when they transistion it to the live server, it currently shows a "Page not found" error message. The web team had a suggestion on how to perhaps overcome this but it involves redoing some of the html pages and I haven't gotten a chance to do that yet. That will be my first priority once I have number two up and running. I'll also be able to take advantage of their suggestions when I create the web pages for the second one, which will allow us to see if that fix works.

To prepare for module 3, which is on using Gale Virtual Reference Library, I have printed off their help and welcome screens to study. Then I'll highlight the most important features and tips, create an outline of what I want to make sure to include, and start the ball rolling on that one. I can't believe how fast time is going by.