Friday, August 15, 2008


I'm so excited! I came up with a unifying "theme" for these tutorials: Info To Go. I wanted something that could go on each initial screen that would tie them together. I think that Info To Go sums up what these are all about: research help that's available when students need it. This will go on the first slide of every tutorial, along with the library logo, and a module title.

This gives an indication of what that initial screen will look like. As you may have noticed, I've altered the order I'll be creating tutorials in once again. I'm going to approach them like a research project and go through and create them in a logical sequence. Therefore, it makes sense that the general introduction to the research process (selecting your keywords, gaining a working knowledge of your topic with reference books, narrowing down, using books, periodicals, and the internet) should come first. A logical second tutorial, then, will be the one on Gale Virtual Reference Library, followed by the Boolean searching one third. I'm much happier with this sequence and approach.

I'm now working through the lesson on creating simulations, which have greater interactivity, rather than mere demonstrations. Suddenly, things are starting to fall into place!

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