Sunday, September 28, 2008


The first tutorial is now live on the library web site! There's been no promo on it or anything yet, but it's there. The Research Tutorials link on the nav bar has now been changed to go to the new tutorials page, which links to the first one.

I have the slides done for the second tutorial and am now working on creating the quiz questions. Then I still have the narration to do and the accessibility. Still, it's come along quite nicely, I think.

I've asked my chair for feedback on the first tutorial but haven't heard anything yet. Part of me wonders if that's a bad sign...No, I'm sure it's just that she's been busy. I was pleased with how it came out. It's always hard knowing, though, if what you have in your head, that you had planned, translates into what someone else is expecting.

We shall see...

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