Friday, March 6, 2009

Module 3: Basics of Database Searching

Well, despite numerous technical difficulties, after *many* hours spent over the past two weeks, I have recreated Module 3 and posted it online. I sent the request for it to go live this afternoon so it should be up by Monday.

On the plus side, the completion certificate widget works well, although there seems to be an issue printing it with the automatically generated print button. For some reason, using that button prints out a blank sheet. However, I added a notation on the page before the certificate, saying that if there were difficulties in printing it, to use the browser print button. Hopefully, that will alleviate any difficulties.

Also on the plus side, I managed to work in most of the comments and suggestions my husband had made when he previewed the last version (the one my computers ate) as I worked on this one. Consequently, there were only a couple of glitches and issues he had when he did the run through on the new version this morning. Of course, we'll see what the other librarians have to say after they've had a chance to view it.

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